Ignacy Praski: Birth certificate

Copy from the holdings of the  Roman-Catholic Parish in Czestochowa (in Polish)


Number 254
Number 115 (in the column on the right)
On January 31, 1810 at 10 AM came before us - the Administrator in Truskolasy in charge of the Civil Records Office of the Truskolasy Borough (gmina) in the County of Czestochowa Department of Kalisz, Antonina Tarczyna, a farmer, 30 years old residing in Truskolasy and declared that on January 31 of this year at 7 AM in house number 60 was born a baby of the male sex that the reporting person presented to us declaring that he should be given the name Ignacy
(round seal)
This baby was conceived by the mother Salomeia Klakowka (Klak), 30 years old and by the father Wojciech Praski, a tenant farmer (or beggar), 30 years old and residing in Truskolasy. This declaration and presentation of the baby took place i the presence of Piotr Krawczyk, a tenant farmer (or beggar), 30 years old a resident of Truskolasy and Jan Pawelak a farmer residing on his farm in Truskolasy. Then this document was read to the person reporting the birth and because they were illiterate was signed only by me.
Priest Jan Cimzanski, Clerk of the Civil Records of the Truskolasy Borough.

(no mention of baptism - this was a Civil record according to the early Napoleonic format)