
l i n k s


Zofia Pieniazek
Tomasz Pieniazek
Andrzej Pieniazek

  • Born: ab. 1680, Gorzno near Garwolin, Poland
    (birth certificate: missing)
  • Married to: ?
    (marriage certificate: missing)
  • Died: ?, Gorzno near Garwolin, Poland
    (death certificate: missing)
  • Profession: most probably a farmer working for the Church


We have no data for the father of Andrzej, Tomasz, and Zofia Pieniazek.  In addition, it is not clear if they really were siblings.  We joined the three of them, because we know from their marriage records and from the baptism records of their children that they shared the same social status - they belonged to a small group of peasants in Gorzno, who worked on the land belonging to the Church.  Andrzej's line died out still in the 18th century and Tomasz is the earliest documented ancestor of all Gorzno Pieniazeks.

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