
(copied from: "Slownik Geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajow Slowianskich", Volume II, pages: 732-733,  Editors: Filip Sulimierski, Boleslaw Chlebowski, and Wladyslaw Walewski.  15 volumes. Published by Filip Sulimierski and Wladysław Walewski, Warsaw, Poland, 1880 to 1902.)


Gorzno - a village and a manorial farm in the Garwolin county, Borough (“gmina” in Polish, an administrative unit in a county) and Parish of Gorzno. It has a masonry church and a school. The church and the parish was founded in 1,485 by the Kosmierowski couple, owners of Gorzno. The present masonry church is from 1,780. The Gorzno Parish, part of the former Decanate of Laskarzew has 3,229 souls. In 1,664, Gorzno was in the Stezyca County and was divided in parts owned by the Magnuszewski, Sulowski, Lezenski, Ochocka (formerly by Bogusza) and Krzeski families and had 26 houses and 150 inhabitants.  In 1,827, Gorzno had 61 houses and 512 inhabitants, and now (in 1881) has 60 houses and 230 inhabitants. The Gorzno Borough neighbors the Boroughs of Zelechow and Sobolew, has 6,150 inhabitants and encompasses 32,506 morgas (one “new Polish morga”, used in the Kingdom of Poland, equals 1.39 acre), the Borough Court of the First Aleksandrow circuit is located in Gorzno, and the County government is located in Garwolin, 9 wiorsta away (1 Polish wiorsta equals 0.66 mile).  In the Gorzno Borough there are the following villages: Checiny, Chotynia (has a steam grain mill), Czyszkow (has a brewery and a distillery), Dudka, Gloskow, Gozdzik, Gorki, Gorzno, Henryczyn, Jeleniec, Kobyla Wola, Lentow, Laczki, Mierzaczka, Ostrozenska Wolka, Paliszew, Reducin, Rowy, Rowska Wola, Samorzadki, Sliz, Slabiny, Sulbiny Dolne, Sulbiny Gorne, Taluba, Talubska Ruda, Unin, Wilkta, and Zawady.  The land of Gorzno is divided into the Upper Gorzno manorial farm, Lower Gorzno manorial farm, the former Church property, and the of Gorzno, Reducin, Piasek, and Mierzaczka.  The area is 3,355 morgas; the Lower Gorzno farm– has 817 morgas of arable land and gardens, 251 morgas of meadows, 12 morgas of pastures, 6 morgas of water (probably fish ponds), 298 morgas of scrub, 1,346 morgas of forest, 62 morgas of bare and overbuilt land, a total of 2,803 morgas.  There are 4 masonry and 35 frame houses, there are 13 fields with rotation of crops. The Upper Gorzno farm has 292 morgas of arable land and gardens, 39 morgas of meadows, 80 morgas of bare and overbuilt land, total 381 morgas.  It has 10 frame houses and 12 fields with rotation of crops.  The former church property of the Gorzno Parish has 135 morgas of arable land and gardens, 19 morgas of meadows, 8 morgas of pastures, and 8 morgas of bare and overbuilt land, total 170 morgas.  There is a distillery, brewery, brick factory, two water mills, and a windmill. There are 42 farms in the village of Gorzno on 988 morgas; in Reducin there are 24 farms on 482 morgas; in Piasek there are 15 farms on 292 morgas, and in Mierzaczka there are 8 farms on 136 morgas.